About Us

MyoFitness is one of Lebanon’s fastest growing health and fitness companies.

We offer world-class facilities, the latest innovation in EMS training, functional training, and nutrion, in addtion to accredited fitness experts, and the warmest customer experience.

Convenience is at the heart of everything we do. That’s why you’ll find our fitness experiences cater to your every need.

MyoFitness is a Lenanese brand that originated in the Lebanon — backed by a team with a collective experience of over 40 years. MyoFitness was founded in June 2016, with a clear purpose: we are commited to improve the physical and mental well-being of the community we serve!

We know that the biggest barriers to fitness are time and motivation, so we are inspiring people to include fitness in their lifestyle in what fits their increasingly busy lives. We lead our members through our fitness philosophy, which is that "What you get by achieiving your goals in not as important as what you become by achieving your goals"

Our core belief is that fitness gives you the confidence, energy, and self-belief to go further in life.

Our Mission

Why choose MyoFitness?

Our commitment is to imporve the physical and mental well-being of the community we serve!

Our priority is great attention to detail and personal care: we answer all your questions, and ensure you have all information you need to make the right choices for yourself.

We walk the walk with you, accompany you throughout your fitness journey, honestly and competently, and keep you guided, supported and motivated until your reach your fitness goals, and help you maintain your fitness and healthy lifestyle thereafter.

Pushing past your limits means taking on newer, progressively harder challenges, and it is our job as fitness professionals to keep you on your toes, and keep pushing, motivating you, daily, and whenever we get the chance.


Corporate Social Responsibility

Our understating of Responsibility
Being responsible means addressing the issues and expectations of our society, while earning the profits needed to ensure our company’s future, and impacting our economy and society positively. That’s why we need to understand the aspirations and expectations of citizens and expatriates, those of public authorities and regulatory bodies, and as well as those of the customers and employees of MyoFitness s.a.r.l., a growing company in a dynamic and growing industry in Lebanon.


Our Approach to CSR
Our Approach to CSR, which focuses on the interests of major stakeholders, may not be common in Lebanese Fitness companies. Most of them, including the large instituions are orientated on community interests, such as charity and philanthropy as the major instruments for implementation of such a policy.
While there are numerous multiple mechanisms for participation of fitness institutions in social support of society, and whereas we may not implement social projects throughout the country due to limitations in our resources, MyoFitness aims to maintain a vital involvement in what the fitness industry in Lebanon has to contribute to a sustainable society and to meet the immense challenges ahead.


Each and every company bears a responsibility vis-à-vis the major challenges of sustainable development of the Lebanese economy and society.  Therefore, we at MyoFitness are committed to a Corporate Social Responsibility policy, based on 3 pillars comprising 15 commitments, which promotes a long-term approach to CSR strategy:


1.  Rather than describing the club’s achievements in terms of attendance or satisfaction levels, we can begin to have conversations around the societal value:

  1. improved health
  2. reduced crime among young people
  3. improved levels of well-being and educational attainment
  4. Business Ethics and a renowned code of conduct
  5. Responsible fitness products
  6. Responsibility towards stakeholders


2. Social responsibility by maintaining a fair and inclusive human resource policy:

  1. Recruitment, and training young Lebanese talent via direct engagment with local universities, through official placement offices
  2. Diversity and inclusion driven
  3. Responsible Management


3. Civic responsibilities, by promoting education and well-being:

  1. Funding Lebanese social entrepreneurs and NGOs in what positively impacts the economy
  2. Promoting inclusion and human rights
  3. Supporting Solidarity and environmental initiatives on a national level
  4. Sponsoring student-driven university events in what positively impacts on and off-campus student-social-activities
  5. Sponsoring charity and philanthropy events and intiatives, in what reduces communcal suffering and reinforces targeted-improvment of well-being
  6. Well-Being interventions to improve society
Team Staff

Team of Expert

Bob El-Turk


My name is Bourhan El-Turk ,and I m known as “ Coach BOB”. I joined MyoFitness Team as a Martial Arts Instructor,specialized in Taekwondo, Kick Boxing and Self-Defense, with over 30 years of experience.

My first encounter with Martial Art  was in 1974 when I started To take Taekwondo courses under the supervision of Grand Master David Chaanine. After Years of Training I got My 2nd Dan Degree and started my teaching carreer training students of all ages in different Schools and Clubs  in Achrafiyeh area (ENB CLUB – ZEI  & St Coeur  schools, etc). In 1988 I started my training in Kick-Boxing ,in witch I evolved  smoothly,  and got my 2nd Dan Degree. After so may years of training and teaching, Taekwondo is still my passion and will always be “MY WAY OF LIFE”.

Qualifications & Professional Certifications

  1. 1-Taekwondo :
    1. Black Belt 5th Dan
    2. National 1st degree referee
    3. National 1st degree Master Instructor
  2. Kick Boxing:
    1. Black Belt 2nd Dan
    2. National referee
  3. Self Defense: Teaching my own style witch is a blend of the best in Taekwondo,Kick-Boxing and Kali.
  4. Activily participating in local and International seminars
Martial Arts Instructor
Nour Habchy
Fitness Trainer
Maria Imad

Hello, my name is Maria Imad, a registered clinical dietitian/nutritionist with more than 4 years of clinical experience and have joined the MyoFitness team in 2018. I began practicing after I Graduated with a B.S in human nutrition and dietetics from the University of Saint-Esprit Kaslik (USEK) in 2015.

Since joining MyoFitness, I have been helping our clients and athletes complement their training programs with a tailored customized diet program to help them achieve their goals. I am passionate about my line of work, a results-oriented professional, and aim to spread awareness for a healthier lifestyle, which is achieved through the health and nutrition tips MyoFitness broadcasts weekly on its social media platforms, and my frequent appearances as a guest speaker on Noursat Tv (Tele Lumiere, Nour Al-Sharq, Mariam Tv).

Qualifications & Professional Certifications:

  1. B.S in human nutrition and dietetics from the University of Saint-Esprit Kaslik (USEK)
  2. Certified in sports nutrition continuing professional education & Fueling the Exerciser Gymmer to Athlete (Commission on Dietetic Registration-CDR, USA)
  3. Certified in nutrition Intervention for Gastrointestinal Disorders (Commission on Dietetic Registration-CDR, USA)
  4. Member of the Lebanese Syndicate of dietitians.
Registered Dietitian
Raphael Daccache
Hi, my name is Raphael Daccache, and I have been a fitness trainer since 2016 and started working at MyoFitness as a Fitness Trainer since 2018, at Kaslik-Main Branch. My first encounter with fitness and sports was at the age of 12 in basketball, and at the age 15 I started functional training. I entered the professional fitness industry during my senior year at Notre-Dame University, and I subsequently graduated with a BA in Sports Education in 2019, and ever since I specialize in helping people to achieve their fitness goals and in rehabilitation using EMS and Functional training proven techniques. I also specialize in athletic preparation for sports such as competitive Martial Arts and peak-performance training. Qualifications & Professional Certifications: 1- Bachelors in physical education 2- 5 years of experience in functional training 3- 3 years of experience in EMS training
Fitness Trainer
Victor Abi Chacra
Hello, my name is Victor Abi Chacra. I have been a fitness trainer since 2015 and have started training at Myofitness since 2017, at the Kaslik-Main Branch. My first encounter with fitness and sports was at the age of 6 when I started training for competitive downhill skiing. I entered the professional fitness industry after completing my BA in Physical Education from Notre-Dame University in 2018. Since graduation I have found tremendous gratification helping people with chronic conditions find their path to healing and achieve their fitness goals. When working with clients I primarily use the proven techniques of EMS and Functional training. I also specialize in athletic conditioning for sports, peak-performance training and program design for various athletes, many of whom are preparing for downhill skiing. Qualifications & Professional Certifications: 1. Certified Functional Trainer (PIS) 2. Certified Ski Instructor (ISF) 3. Certified Tennis Instructor beginner level (ITF) 4. 7 years of Functional Training experience 5. 5 years of EMS Training experience
Personal Fitness Trainer
Jad Dagher
Hello, my name is Jad Dagher and I have been a general fitness instructor since 2014, and I have started training at MyoFitness since 2017 both EMS and functional training, at Kaslik main branch. My first encounter with fitness and sports was with football and table tennis at a young age, and I evolved to become a professional football player (BFA club), as well as a table tennis professional player (Kahraba club), competing in schools’ leagues. I entered the professional fitness industry in 2014 after receiving my certification in EMS training from Miha BodyTec, Germany, and subsequently graduated with a BA in Physical Education in 2018 from Notre-Dame University. At MyoFitness, I have been helping clients of all ages and fitness conditions reach their goals and had the privilege of being the designated Peak Performance Trainer for two professional MMA fighters (TRISTAR), competing locally and internationally, which is the highlight of my career so far. Qualifications and professional certifications: 1- Certified EMS trainer (Miha BodyTec) 2- 7 years of EMS training experience 3- 6 years of functional training experience 4- Professional Athlete
Fitness Manager
Georges Sayegh

Hi, my name is Georges Sayegh, and I have been a fitness trainer since 2005 and started working at myofitness as a Fitness Director since 2019. 

With 19 years of experienceI specialize in helping people with chronic conditions find their path to healing and fitness using EMS and Functional training proven techniques. I also specialize in athletic preparation for sports and peak-performance training.

Qualifications & Professional Certifications:

  1. Cerfified Personal Trainer (ACE)
  2. Certified Fitness Instructor ( IFBB)
  3. Certified TRX Group Instructor.
Fitness Director

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